Arthur Quinn and Hell's Keeper

I am so proud! My review of Arthur Quinn and Hell's Keeper by Alan Early is up on The Bookbag NOW! This is the third and final in The Father of Lies Chronicles. And it's the best one yet. Pulling together all the adventure, all the drama in the previous books, this last installment answers the question that has been plaguing me from the very beginning... why Arthur Quinn? What is it about this kid that has made him the target of all of Loki's wrath? And why is it all up to Arthur to save the world... to stop Ragnarok, the ultimate end promised by Loki? You won't see it coming!
This one sees Arthur whisked away to Asgard and then plummeted back into a world in which he has never existed..... brilliant stuff!
Here's the link for The Bookbag review and of course, it's printed in it's entirety on the Irish Authors... page of this blog! Enjoy!

And here's the link for the Arthur Quinn website... everything you need to know!


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