Here Come The Tooth Fairies In Training!

What a great day!
And now....the review....
author: Michelle Robinson
illustrator: Briony May Smith
Walker Books (6 June 2019)
ISBN: 9781406377569
There's great excitement in Fairy Town! Today is young Tates' first day of tooth fairy training and big sister May is determined to help her become the best tooth fairy ever, except for her, of course. Tate learns the basics very quickly and it's soon time for her to test her skills. But, not every child is a human, you know. Some of them can be very tricky and even dangerous! (Some kids bite!) There's the hippo, squid, narwhal seal, and even a giant anaconda. But the most tricky, the most dangerous of all is Melissa, the fairy kisser. When she wakes up, Tate and May are in real trouble! Whatever will Tate do?
Told in a simple rhyming text, this is a fast-paced, funny and completely delightful story that introduces a new look at tooth fairy lore and bringing with it an exciting and dramatic adventure. Our two new tooth fairies are brave and plucky, smart and caring. They have a great sister relationship, with older sister May giving a lot of practical advice and coming to the rescue when needs be. Tate is a really determined little fairy and works hard to accomplish her missions. The illustrations are full of life, colour and expression, painting a beautiful world filled with intricate detail, accentuating the humour and warmth infused in the tale. And the pictures allow for many observations of the animal world. There are moments where you will laugh out loud, gasp in surprise, and say "awwww" at the the genuine sweetness you'll find. There are ample opportunities and encouragement to add creative play of your own to the book. The final page brings a perfect happy ending with a quiet bedtime scene, making it a lovely book with which to end the day....with a humourous twist. Just brilliant!
Thank you to Walker Books for including me in the Tooth Fairy In Training blog tour.
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