Roald Dahl Day 2013

This Friday, September 13th, it's time to celebrate Roald Dahl Day!
Roald Dahl Day takes place each year on the 13th of September (Roald Dahl's actual birthday.) And this year, it falls on Friday the 13th, which makes it all the better for a heaping helping of mayhem and mischief. This year, let's celebrate all those amazing, tricksy characters given to us by the world's favourite story-teller. So chose your favourite; who will it be? Matilda and her unique ability to outwit her parents? George and his Marvellous Medicine? What about our old friend, that fantastic Mr. Fox?... so, so many to chose from. There are endless ways to get involved and have a fantabulous Dahl Day!
Get your school classes involved! There may only be a few days... but that's plenty of time for a Dahl party... get dressed up... invite in your local BFG! At the very least, why not a Roald Dahl Reading Party with everyone sharing from their favourite book!
Get in the spirit! No birthday is complete without a little bit of mischief. I know Roald Dahl would approve. Here's the link to the official Roald Dahl Day website:


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