Summer Camps at Brigit's Garden

Fuschis Swings at Brigit's Garden-Tess Hughes
For those of you in the Galway area, there's just enough time to get involved in a summer camp at Brigit's Garden. These summer camps offer the perfect opportunity to get the kids out of the house and into the outdoors for an absolutely marvellous nature experience. With summer winding down, if the kids are at loose ends with nothing to do, I can whole-heartedly recommend  these. After having this experience, every child who has ever reported back to me has had nothing but glowing reports and renewed enthusiasm for nature and the environment , along with a greater hunger for knowledge and learning about the world we live in.
And if you aren't in time to get into one of the summer camps, don't forget about Brigit's Garden. It's brilliant for the whole family all year long and a great resource, right on our doorstep.


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