From Bookseller... Summer Reading Scheme Critical for Children's Literacy

This is from today's Bookseller. Citing the UK's Summer Reading Challenge as critical for children's literacy development, Miranda McKearney director of the Reading Agency said:
"Public libraries' ability to make reading fun isn't just a luxury we can no longer afford, it is critical work. The Summer Reading Challenge has now become so widespread that it can act as a pivot for schools and libraries to develop joint strategies to promote literacy. We are calling for every head teacher to weave it into the school improvement plan and to ensure every primary school is a member of their local library."
Michael Rosen, who is a patron of the Summer Reading Challenge, wants to see every child attending school to be issued with a library card. What a brilliant idea! I would like to see that happen here in Ireland, as well. What about you? Any ideas how we could get this started?


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