Diana Wynne Jones Dies

It has just been reported that the brilliant author, Diana Wynne Jones, has lost her two year long battle with lung cancer. Last summer, she had stopped her chemo-therapy, saying it made her too ill to continue working. Wynne Jones is the author of many wonderful fantasy adventures for children, including the completely wonderful 'Howl's Moving Castle'. Her books were an inspiration to many contemporary writers, and a drive compelling readers, young and old.
While reports are sketchy at the moment, Wynne Jones is said to have passed away early Saturday morning (26 March 2011) at the age of 76. She will be truly missed, but leaves an incredible legacy.

27/03/2011 Just to post an edit here.... this from Diana Wynne Jones' official website. The reports are all sadly true, Diana Wynne Jones has passed away on 26th March 2011. In addition to her already prolific and wonderful writings, two more books will be published this year; one another brilliant children's book, and the other a collection of her articles and writings. Please see the link below for further details.


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