'Tis The Season...

As we bid farewell to November, we enter well and truly the holiday season. It's a very busy time in the bookshop because, as we all know, regardless of the occasion, books make the perfect gift. Not only that, but they are the perfect tool for building anticipation and excitement. Starting tomorrow, I will start my tradition of the Advent Calendar of Books page, which includes 24 books; one a day right up until Christmas Day.
Recently, I heard of a tradition that I think should be adopted by everyone. (In fact, I have always maintained a version of this in my home for years.)

Why not wrap up 25 books and leave them in a prominent place?  Each day, unwrap one book to read and share with family and friends....or even just to give yourself a moment to relax, enjoy and smile. They don't have to be new books, but it is nice to include a few brand new books to add to the variety and surprise. Picture books, seasonal collections and novels of winter which can be shared by all. Also, this can be adapted to suit any upcoming celebration, so if Christmas isn't your thing, don't feel left out. In fact, even if Christmas is the holiday you celebrate, wouldn't it be wonderful to include a few books about the other holidays celebrated at this time of year?
As I said, in my own home, at this moment in the year, the stack of winter and Christmas books comes out and sits near the fire for all and sundry to pick up, read and enjoy...I just never thought of wrapping them! Genius!
The weather has been very dramatic here, and it's easy to succumb to the dreary and dismal, dark days. Take the time to celebrate and life your spirits! Happy Holidays and happy reading!


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