Sow And Grow! Living Gardens!

This is a lovely website for children/families/schools. Aimed to 'nurture with nature', Sow and Grow works with schools, creches, after-school programmes, to give children the freedom to explore and learn, use their senses.... all in nature and in the garden. This is something children desperately need in these times, where far too much time is taken up by indoor activities, and by the fact that the world is not necessarily 'child-friendly', in that we must be much more cautious in letting our children run free in the fields and forests, like we once did.
And, for those of us in the west, I do really need to point out Kay Synott's lovely 'Living Gardens' website. Kay does exactly the same thing as Sow and Grow, with much enthusiasm, knowledge and energy here in the west. Kay has (and does) worked with many, many schools and groups throughout the Galway area.
Now, I know it's autumn, and getting darker and colder, and we don't normally think of gardening activities at this time of year.... but this is exactly the time to get things rolling. So all you schools, community centres; even those of you planning birthday parties; check out these wonderful websites and see what they have going. It may be exactly what you're looking for!


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