Happy New Year

Before time runs away with me all together, I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a very Happy New Year. It's a moment of quiet right now, but before long so many things will start happening in the world of children's literature that it will be difficult to make you aware of all of them. I will do my best to keep you informed.
I will be making a few changes here. First of all, I will not be reviewing ebooks. This is nothing more than a personal decision on my part. Simply put, while I love literature of all kinds, and as long as children are reading, I don't really think it matters what the format is (well, it does, but it doesn't). However, I prefer actual, physical books and think they have much more to offer.
I will also bring back the 'Young Readers Recommend' page. I still believe that, for all the passion, energy and education we adults have about children's books, if you want to know about a good book for children, ask a child.
To close this New Years post, Here are just a couple of books that I particularly love from the end of 2013. (Reviews are forthcoming.)
Happy reading!
author: Tone Almhiell
illustrator: Jan Schoenherr
Little Brown Young Readers
Do get your hands on this book!!! It is utterly wondrous.

author: Sally Gardner
illustrator: David Roberts
ISBN: 9781780621494
Sally Gardner continues to amaze me! This reinterpretation of Andersen's The Tinderbox (written for young adult readers) sent chills down my spine and kept me riveted to the page. The illustrations by David Roberts help set the perfect tone for an amazing journey.

author/illustrator: Jonny Duddle
Templar Publishing
ISBN: 9781848772274
An amazing new adventure from the magic pen of Jonny Duddle. Rex's adventures as he vows to become King of Space get him into all kinds of trouble. Of course, the 'trouble' hasn't reckoned on his mother....


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