Welcome December!

Welcome to December! The holiday season is upon us well and truly now and the days have gone dark and cold. Whatever holiday you happen to be celebrating this winter, you can't escape the atmosphere. And, yes, Christmas is coming. I really love these days, with the lights, the music and everything that comes with it. It is very easy to let stress and anxiety enter your life, but why not take some time to step outside all that and look for the joy. My suggestion? Enjoy it!
And since I'm here to talk about books (more specifically, children's books). I've devised my own method to communicate that. Based on a tradition that we have always practiced in my family, I'm putting up a new page here.... my Advent calendar of books. Some are new this year; some are old favourites, some are focused on Christmas, some are simply great winter books. A book a day up to the 24th of December. I invite you to join me! I hope you enjoy it.


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