The End of a Decade: Happy New Year 2020

With just about two hours to go, we bid farewell, not just to another year, but this time, another decade. In fact, I would like to add that Fallen Star Stories is coming up on its' tenth birthday this year, so I am actually feeling quite excited and sentimental about this New Year...highly unlike me.
I am not going to labour this post with my top books of the decade; I couldn't possibly. So many other reviewers and bloggers have taken that tact. I'll leave it to them. (I've read many of them today. Brilliant posts! All of them!)
What I am going to do is to thank all of you out there who have supported my efforts on Fallen Star Stories; who have kept me going, fed me books and energy and allowed me into your lives for a few moments to share my thoughts, reviews and sometimes just plain madness. Each reader of this blog is a treasure to me. Thank you so very much.
This next year, I am planning to write more articles, editorials and essays. I have a lot to say about childrens books, literacy and the power of childrens' books; the impact on all our lives. Hopefully, you'll enjoy that and perhaps find something helpful or thought-provoking. And of course, there will be more and more reviews, blog tours and miscellaneous ramblings. Who knows? Maybe even a story or two.
For the moment, let me just say thank you again, dear reader. May this New Year and New Decade bring you peace, joy, kindness and many, many favourite books to fire your imagination and warm your heart.
All the very best wishes and much gratitude,


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