Summer Picture Books
August is upon us and the summer is winding down. While we're all trying to squeeze out the last summer month, I thought I'd post a few suggestions for picture books to share. Reading with your children (regardless of their ages) is so important! The ways in which it helps them are so numerous....not just for educational purposes, but in terms of emotional security and a sense of belonging, nothing can beat it! So here are a few selections for you to consider. Some are old favourites of mine; some are new; all are wonderful for the entire family. 'Wordless' picture books: These are books that everyone will want to spend hours pouring over for their beauty and their storytelling. Flotsam by David Weisner: David Weisner is a genius! This tells the story of a young boy at the beach. He finds an old camera and develops the film inside. The story it tells is pure magic,and when the boy adds his own input...well, the story continues. Journey by Aaron Becker: A young g...