Judi Curtin!
Big thanks to Judi Curtin (author of the now world-famous Alice and Megan series) for popping in to see me after her gig during Galway's Cuirt Literature Festival. The feedback I've had all says she was fabulous (which is no surprise, as she's always fabulous.) Judi's new series 'Forever Friends' has two books out at the moment, and the first one , 'The Time Spell' t akes our new heroine aboard the Titanic. But this is no historical drama... it's about a young girl who finds herself time-travelling. A wonderful story that I can whole-heartedly recommend. In fact, I recommend them both! And don't forget her other new books, Eva's Journey and Eva's Holiday , published by O'Brien Press. Eva is a girl fully enjoying all the prosperity that the Celtic Tiger could afford... but then her family falls on hard times and things take a dramatic turn for her. Timely and great stuff! The third 'Eva' story will be out later this summ...